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Microsoft Azure - Interview Questions
How many cloud service roles are provided by Azure and why do we use them?
Roles are nothing servers in layman terms. These servers are managed, load balanced, Platform as a Service virtual machines that work together to achieve a common goal.
There are 3 types of roles in Microsoft Azure :
* Web Role
* Worker Role
* VM  Role

Let’s discuss each of these roles in detail:
Web Role : A web role is basically used to deploy a website, using languages supported by the IIS platform like, PHP, .NET etc. It is configured and customized to run web applications.

Worker Role : A worker role is more like an help to the Web role, it used to execute background processes unlike the Web Role which is used to deploy the website.

VM Role : The VM role is used by a user to schedule tasks and other windows services. This role can be used to customize the machines on which the web and worker role is running.