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How to Update Angular 13.0 to Angular 14.0 for Advanced Apps?
Before Updating : 
There aren't currently any changes needed before moving between these versions.

During the Update : 
* Run ng update @angular/core@14 @angular/cli@14 which should bring you to version 14 of Angular.

* Angular now uses TypeScript 4.6, read more about any potential breaking changes:

* Make sure you are using Node 14.15.0 or later

* Form models now require a generic type parameter. For gradual migration you can opt-out using the untyped version of the form model classes.

* Remove aotSummaries from TestBed since Angular no longer needs them in Ivy.

* Remove headers from JSONP requests. JSONP does not supports headers and if specified the HTTP module will now throw an error rather than ignoring them.

* Resolvers now will take the first emitted value by an observable and after that proceed to navigation to better align with other guards rather than taking the last emitted value.

* Update initialNavigation: 'enabled' to initialNavigation: 'enabledBlocking'.

* If you are defining routes with pathMatch, you may have to cast it to Route or Routes explicitly. Route.pathMatch is no longer compatible with string type.

* The promise returned by LoadChildrenCallback now has a stricter type parameter Type<any>|NgModuleFactory<any> rather than any.

* The router does no longer schedule redirect navigation within a setTimeout. Make sure your tests do not rely on this behavior.

* Implementing the LocationStrategy interface now requires definition of getState().

* Sending + as part of a query no longer requires workarounds since + no longer sends a space.

* Implementing AnimationDriver now requires the getParentElement method.

* Invalid route configurations of lazy-loaded modules will now throw an error rather than being ignored.

* Remove the resolver from RouterOutletContract.activateWith function and the resolver from OutletContext class since factory resolvers are no longer needed.

* Router.initialUrl accepts only UrlTree to prevent a misuse of the API by assigning a string value.

After the Update
There aren't currently any changes needed after moving between these versions.

Source : angular