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How to Usage in ml5.imageClassifier?
Initialize :
const classifier = ml5.imageClassifier(model, ?video, ?options, ?callback);
Parameters : 

model : REQUIRED. A String value of a valid model OR a url to a model.json that contains a pre-trained model. Case insensitive. Models available are: 'MobileNet', 'Darknet' and 'Darknet-tiny','DoodleNet', or any image classification model trained in Teachable Machine. Below are some examples of creating a new image classifier:

* mobilenet :
const classifier = ml5.imageClassifier('MobileNet', modelReady);
* Darknet :
const classifier = ml5.imageClassifier('Darknet', modelReady);
* DoodleNet :
const classifier = ml5.imageClassifier('DoodleNet', modelReady);
* Custom Model from Teachable Machine :
const classifier = ml5.imageClassifier('path/to/custom/model.json', modelReady);
video : OPTIONAL. An HTMLVideoElement

callback : OPTIONAL. A function to run once the model has been loaded. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once the model has loaded.

options : OPTIONAL. An object to change the defaults (shown below). The available options are :
  version: 1,
  alpha: 1.0,
  topk: 3,