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Symfony - Interview Questions
How to create a bundle in Symfony?
The Symfony bundle is a group of files and directories that are organized into a specific structure.
To create a bundle in Symfony follow below steps:
Step1 : Choose a namespace. The namespace must contain the name of the vendor and bundle name. Something like Courseya\DemoBundle.
Step2 : Create an empty class named CourseyaDemoBundle and extend it to Bundle class.
Example :
namespace FreeTimeLearn\DemoBundle; 
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle\Bundle;  

class FreeTimeLearnDemoBundle extends Bundle { 
Step3 : Save the above class in src/Courseya/DemoBundle directory.
Step4 : Register the above class in the bundle list supported by the application in the AppKernel class.

Example :
public function registerBundles() { 
   $bundles = array( 
      // ... 
      // register your bundle 
      new FreeTimeLearn\DemoBundle\FreeTimeLearnDemoBundle(), 
   return $bundles; 
Step5 : Use generate:bundle command to generate your bundle.
php bin/console generate:bundle --namespace = FreeTimeLearn/DemoBundle
That's all you have created your first bundle in Symfony.