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How to create routes in Slim Framework?
You can define application routes using proxy methods on the Slim\App instance. The Slim Framework provides methods for the most popular HTTP methods.
GET Route : You can add a route that handles only GET HTTP requests with the Slim application’s get() method. It accepts two arguments:
* The route pattern (with optional named placeholders)
* The route callback
$app->get('/books/{id}', function ($request, $response, array $args) {
    // Show book identified by $args['id']
POST Route : You can add a route that handles only POST HTTP requests with the Slim application’s post() method. It accepts two arguments:
* The route pattern (with optional named placeholders)
* The route callback
$app->post('/books', function ($request, $response, array $args) {
    // Create new book
PUT Route : You can add a route that handles only PUT HTTP requests with the Slim application’s put() method. It accepts two arguments:
* The route pattern (with optional named placeholders)
* The route callback
$app->put('/books/{id}', function ($request, $response, array $args) {
    // Update book identified by $args['id']
DELETE Route : You can add a route that handles only DELETE HTTP requests with the Slim application’s delete() method. It accepts two arguments:
* The route pattern (with optional named placeholders)
* The route callback
$app->delete('/books/{id}', function ($request, $response, array $args) {
    // Delete book identified by $args['id']
OPTIONS Route : You can add a route that handles only OPTIONS HTTP requests with the Slim application’s options() method. It accepts two arguments:
* The route pattern (with optional named placeholders)
* The route callback
$app->options('/books/{id}', function ($request, $response, array $args) {
    // Return response headers
PATCH Route : You can add a route that handles only PATCH HTTP requests with the Slim application’s patch() method. It accepts two arguments:
* The route pattern (with optional named placeholders)
* The route callback
$app->patch('/books/{id}', function ($request, $response, array $args) {
    // Apply changes to book identified by $args['id']
Any Route : You can add a route that handles all HTTP request methods with the Slim application’s any() method. It accepts two arguments:
* The route pattern (with optional named placeholders)
* The route callback
$app->any('/books/[{id}]', function ($request, $response, array $args) {
    // Apply changes to books or book identified by $args['id'] if specified.
    // To check which method is used: $request->getMethod();
Note that the second parameter is a callback. You could specify a Class which implementes the __invoke() method instead of a Closure. You can then do the mapping somewhere else:
$app->any('/user', 'MyRestfulController');
Custom Route : You can add a route that handles multiple HTTP request methods with the Slim application’s map() method. It accepts three arguments:
* Array of HTTP methods
* The route pattern (with optional named placeholders)
* The route callback
$app->map(['GET', 'POST'], '/books', function ($request, $response, array $args) {
    // Create new book or list all books