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Power BI - Interview Questions
How to troubleshoot a report in Power BI?
Troubleshooting a report in Power BI can be a complex process, depending on the issue you're encountering. Here are some common issues and steps you can take to resolve them:

* Data connection issues : If you're having trouble connecting to your data source, check your connection string and make sure that the correct data source type is selected. You can also try refreshing your data to see if the issue is resolved.

* Data quality issues : If your data is incorrect or missing values, you can use Power Query to clean and shape your data. You can also check the data source for errors or missing values.

* Visualization issues : If your visualizations are not appearing as expected, check the fields and data types you've added to the visualization. You can also adjust the formatting options to resolve any issues.

* Performance issues : If your report is slow or unresponsive, you can optimize your data by reducing the size of your data source or using more efficient data structures. You can also adjust the visualizations to reduce the complexity of your report.

Here's an example of how to troubleshoot a data connection issue in Power BI :
let myData = [
   { year: 2020, sales: 5000 },
   { year: 2021, sales: 6000 },
   { year: 2022, sales: 7000 }

   data: myData,
   type: "column",
   options: {
      dataLabels: {
         fontSize: 20
      legend: {
         visible: false
   error: function(error) {
      console.error("Data connection error:", error);

In this example, the error function is used to catch any errors that occur when connecting to the data source. This can help you diagnose and resolve any issues you encounter with your data connection.
