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Automation Testing - Interview Questions
How will you automate basic "login" functionality test cases for an application?
Assuming that the automation tool and framework is already in place of the test environment.
To test the basic “Login” functionality :
* Understand the project requirement : Login functionality will have a username textbox, a password textbox, and a login button.

* Identify the Test scenarios : For login functionality, the possible test scenarios are:
* Blank username and password
* Invalid username and password
* A valid username and invalid password
* Valid username and password

* Prepare a Data input file with the data corresponding to each scenario.

* Launch the tool from the program.

* Identify the username field, password field, and the login button.

* For each test scenario, get the data from the data file and enter into the corresponding fields. Program click on the login button after entering the data.

* Validate the error message for negative scenarios and the success message for positive scenarios in the test script with the help of assertions.

Run the test suite and generate the report.