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Babylon.js - Interview Questions
How would you approach implementing advanced animation techniques, such as skeletal animations or morph targets, in Babylon.js?
To implement advanced animation techniques in Babylon.js, I would follow these steps:

1. Import 3D models with skeletal animations or morph targets from external software like Blender.
2. Load the model using SceneLoader and access its skeleton or morph target manager.
3. For skeletal animations, create an Animation object for each bone, define keyframes, and set easing functions to control interpolation.
4. For morph targets, use MorphTargetManager to manage multiple targets and influence values.
5. Control playback of animations using beginAnimation() or startAllAnimations().
6. Utilize blending weights for smooth transitions between different animations.

Example code :
BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMesh("", "model.babylon", scene, (meshes, particleSystems, skeletons) => {
    let skeleton = skeletons[0];
    let mesh = meshes[0];
    // Skeletal animation
    scene.beginAnimation(skeleton, 0, 100, true);
    // Morph target animation
    let morphTargetManager = mesh.morphTargetManager;
    let morphTarget = morphTargetManager.getTarget(0);
    morphTarget.influence = 0.5;