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Bulma - Interview Questions
How would you describe the grid system in Bulma?
The grid system in Bulma is one of its fundamental and powerful features, designed to simplify the creation of responsive layouts. Here's an overview :

Flexbox-Based Grid :

Bulma's grid system relies on Flexbox, a modern CSS layout model that offers flexibility and ease of use in arranging elements within containers. This choice of Flexbox allows for better control over alignment, distribution, and responsiveness of grid items.

12-Column Layout :

Similar to other grid systems, Bulma divides the layout into 12 columns. This structure provides developers with a flexible and versatile way to create layouts that adapt well across different screen sizes and devices.

Columns and Rows :

* Columns : Elements within the grid are organized using columns. Developers can specify the number of columns an element should occupy on different screen sizes using Bulma's predefined classes.

* Rows : Rows are containers that hold columns. These rows ensure proper alignment and spacing of columns within a grid.


Responsiveness :

Bulma's grid system excels in responsiveness. Developers can specify column widths for different screen sizes using classes like is-, is-mobile, is-tablet, is-desktop, etc. This allows the layout to adapt and rearrange columns based on the screen size, enabling a mobile-first approach.

Nesting and Offset :

Bulma supports nesting columns within columns, allowing for more complex layout structures. Additionally, it offers offset classes (is-offset-) to create space between columns, providing further control over the grid layout.

Example :
<div class="columns">
  <div class="column is-4">Column 1</div>
  <div class="column is-4">Column 2</div>
  <div class="column is-4">Column 3</div>

This code creates a row with three columns, each occupying 4 out of the 12 available columns, resulting in a three-column layout.

Bulma's grid system simplifies the process of creating responsive layouts, offering a clean and intuitive syntax while leveraging the power of Flexbox to ensure consistent and adaptable designs across various devices and screen sizes.