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Bulma - Interview Questions
Is Bulma as popular as Bootstrap?
Bulma is a popular framework, but it is not popular as Bootstrap.

As Bulma last update in early 2022, Bootstrap has historically been more widely adopted and popular than Bulma. Bootstrap gained immense popularity due to its extensive set of components, robust grid system, and comprehensive documentation, which made it a go-to choice for many developers.

While Bulma gained traction and a devoted following for its simplicity, Flexbox-centric approach, and modularity, it hasn't quite reached the same level of widespread adoption as Bootstrap. However, its popularity was steadily growing, especially among developers who preferred its more modern design principles and flexibility.

The popularity of frameworks can fluctuate over time based on various factors like updates, community support, ease of use, and changing trends in web development. Both Bootstrap and Bulma have their strengths and cater to different preferences and project requirements.

To get the most current and accurate comparison of their popularity, it's advisable to check recent statistics, surveys, or developer community discussions that might provide insights into the current trends and preferences regarding front-end frameworks.