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Java Multithreading - Interview Questions
Is it possible to start a thread twice?
No, we cannot restart the thread, as once a thread started and executed, it goes to the Dead state. Therefore, if we try to start a thread twice, it will give a runtimeException "java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException". Consider the following example.
public class Multithread1 extends Thread  
   public void run()  
      try {  
          System.out.println("thread is executing now........");  
      } catch(Exception e) {  
    public static void main (String[] args) {  
        Multithread1 m1= new Multithread1();  
Output :
thread is executing now........
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException
	at java.lang.Thread.start(
	at Multithread1.main(