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Haskell - Interview Questions
List out different types of Monads can be in Haskell?
In Haskell, there are various types of monads that can be used to structure computations and manage side effects. Here are some commonly used monads in Haskell:

1. Maybe Monad : The Maybe monad is used for computations that may or may not produce a result. It allows for safe handling of optional values by encapsulating the possibility of failure or absence of a value.

2. List Monad : The List monad represents non-deterministic computations or computations that can produce multiple results. It allows for working with lists of values and enables operations like filtering, mapping, and combining.

3. IO Monad : The IO monad is used for performing input/output operations in Haskell. It encapsulates actions that interact with the external world, such as reading from or writing to files, network communication, or user input/output.

4. State Monad : The State monad is used to manage stateful computations. It provides a way to thread state through a series of computations while abstracting away the details of state management. The State monad allows for creating pure functions that simulate mutable state.
5. Reader Monad : The Reader monad is used for computations that depend on a shared environment or configuration. It provides a way to pass immutable, read-only values to multiple functions without explicitly passing them as arguments.

6. Either Monad : The Either monad is used for computations that can result in either a successful value or an error. It allows for handling and propagating errors in a controlled manner.

7. Writer Monad : The Writer monad is used for computations that produce a result along with some additional output or log. It allows for accumulating values or logs while performing computations and extracting the final result.

8. Continuation Monad : The Continuation monad, also known as the Cont monad, is used for managing continuations or control flow in a program. It allows for representing computations as functions that take a continuation, enabling complex control flow operations.