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Unity - Interview Questions
List out some key features of Unity3D UE4 ( Unreal Engine 4)?
UE4 Unity3D
Game logic is written in C++ or blueprint editor Game logic is written using the Mono environment
Base scene object- Actor Base scene object- GameObject
Input Events- Component UInputComponent of Actor class Input events- Class Input
Main classes and function of UE4 includes int32,int24, Fstring, Ftransform, FQuat, FRotator, Actor and TArray Main classes and function include int,string,quaternion,transform, rotation, gameobject, Array
To create a new instance of a specified class and to point towards the newly created Actor. UWorld::SpawnActor() may be used To make a copy of an object you can use the function Instantiate()
UI of Unreal Engine 4 is more flexible and less prone to crashes The asset store of this tool is much better stacked than UE4
It does not support systems like X-box 360 or PS3, it requires AMD Radeon HD card to function properly It supports wide range of gaming consoles like X-box and PS4, as well as their predecessors
Less expensive compare to Unity3D Unity3D has free version which lacks few functionality while pro version is bit expensive in compare to UE4
To use UE4 you don’t need programming language knowledge It requires programming language knowledge