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Power BI - Interview Questions
List the Most Common Techniques for Data Shaping.
* Filtering : Removing unwanted rows or columns from the dataset based on specific criteria. Filtering allows you to focus on relevant data and remove noise.

* Sorting : Arranging data in a specified order based on one or more columns, typically in ascending or descending order.

* Grouping and Aggregation : Grouping data based on one or more attributes and then calculating summary statistics for each group. Common aggregations include sum, count, average, minimum, and maximum.

* Joining and Merging : Combining data from multiple tables or data sources based on common columns to create a unified dataset. Joins can be inner, left, right, or full, depending on how you want to handle unmatched rows.

* Pivoting and Unpivoting : Pivoting converts data from a “long” format (multiple rows for each attribute) to a “wide” format (one row per attribute), while unpivoting does the reverse.