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Machine Learning - Interview Questions
Mention some of the EDA Techniques?
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) helps analysts to understand the data better and forms the foundation of better models. 
Visualization :
* Univariate visualization
* Bivariate visualization
* Multivariate visualization

Missing Value Treatment : Replace missing values with Either Mean/Median
Outlier Detection : Use Boxplot to identify the distribution of Outliers, then Apply IQR to set the boundary for IQR
Transformation : Based on the distribution, apply a transformation on the features
Scaling the Dataset : Apply MinMax, Standard Scaler or Z Score Scaling mechanism to scale the data.
Feature Engineering : Need of the domain, and SME knowledge helps Analyst find derivative fields which can fetch more information about the nature of the data
Dimensionality reduction : Helps in reducing the volume of data without losing much information