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PowerShell - Interview Questions
Mention the types of Powershell Scopes.
The four types of PowerShell scopes are Global, Local, Script, Private.
Global :
* The scope that is in effect while PowerShell runs or when you start a new session or run space.
* Variables and functions that are included when PowerShell begins have been designed in the global scope. This contains preference variables and automatic variables.
* This also comprises functions, variables, aliases that are within your PowerShell profile.

Local :
* The current scope. The local scope can be the global scope or any other scope.

Script :
* The scope is built while a script file runs. Just the commands in the script operate in the script scope. To the commands in a script, the script scope is the local scope.

Private :
* You cannot see the items in private scope outside of the current scope. You can utilize the private scope to build a private version of an item having the exact name in another scope.