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Meteor.js - Interview Questions
Modular package structure in Meteor.
If you are a package author, in addition to putting api.use('modules') or api.use('ecmascript') in the Package.onUse section of your package.js file, you can also use a new API called api.mainModule to specify the main entry point for your package :
  name: 'my-modular-package'

  moment: '2.10.6'

Package.onUse((api) => {
  api.mainModule('server.js', 'server');
  api.mainModule('client.js', 'client');
Now server.js and client.js can import other files from the package source directory, even if those files have not been added using the api.addFiles function.
When you use api.mainModule, the exports of the main module are exposed globally as Package['my-modular-package'], along with any symbols exported by api.export, and thus become available to any code that imports the package. In other words, the main module gets to decide what value of Foo will be exported by api.export, as well as providing other properties that can be explicitly imported from the package:
// In an application that uses 'my-modular-package':
import { Foo as ExplicitFoo, bar } from 'meteor/my-modular-package';
console.log(Foo); // Auto-imported because of `api.export`.
console.log(ExplicitFoo); // Explicitly imported, but identical to `Foo`.
console.log(bar); // Exported by server.js or client.js, but not auto-imported.
Note that the import is from 'meteor/my-modular-package', not from 'my-modular-package'. Meteor package identifier strings must include the prefix meteor/... to disambiguate them from npm packages.
Finally, since this package is using the new modules package, and the package Npm.depends on the “moment” npm package, modules within the package can import moment from 'moment' on both the client and the server. This is great news, because previous versions of Meteor allowed npm imports only on the server, via Npm.require.