Virtualisation provides an abstraction between the back end and user programs. It enables creating an environment where multiple software can use the same hardware. Virtualisation also manages the service level policies. Following are a few types of virtualisation seen in Cloud Computing.
Server Virtualization partitions a server into multiple serves so it can distribute incoming traffic among them. The use case is load balancing.
Software Virtualization is a technique that allows one computer server to work with more than one virtual system. The primary function of software Virtualization is to develop virtual Software and make the work easier. It produces a simple virtual machine on which the system can work as regularly.
Hardware Virtualization is where Virtual Machine Manage installs on the hardware. It provides easy access and monitors of resources like memory, processors, etc.
Storage Virtualisation takes multiple Network storage devices and clubs them into one single group, providing abstraction. The group is easier to maintain when compared to numerous devices inside it.
Operating System Virtualisation is when multiple OSs run on the same hardware. It is possible by installing the VMM onto the host OS instead of the hardware.
Desktop Virtualisation allows remote access to workstations across global data centres, managed over the internet.
Application Virtualisation ensures applications that run on one operating system can run on other operating systems as well. It creates an abstraction between the OS and the application.
Network virtualization is the transformation of a network that was once hardware-dependent into a network that is software-based. Like all forms of IT virtualization, the basic goal of network virtualization is to introduce a layer of abstraction between physical hardware and the applications and services that use that hardware.