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Ionic - Interview Questions
On a real device, how will you debug an Ionic application (Both Android and iOS)?
Debugging is an important element of any development process. When it comes to Ionic, We can use Chrome or Safari to debug Android and iOS applications.
Android : Follow the steps below to debug an Android application in real-time.
* On Android Mobile, enable developer mode.
* ionic Cordova can be used to execute the application on a real device. Run Android or ionic Cordova build Android to build the apk and transfer it to the phone.
* Connect your device to your computer using a USB cable, then open Google Chrome and go to chrome:/inspect/#devices to see your phone and application name. There's an inspect button there.
* You'll be able to inspect the application and look at the logs now.

iOS : To debug an iOS application in real-time, follow the steps below.
* Execute the command ionic Cordova to run the application on the device. Build the application with ionic Cordova or run-ios To get the application on the phone, you'll need to build it on iOS and use Xcode.
* Now go to Safari -> Windows -> Developer Options to enable developer options.
* You may now debug the application in real-time by going to developer -> Your phone -> localhost.