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Scala - Interview Questions
State the different types of Scala literals?
In Scala, literals are values that are directly written in the code without the need for computation or evaluation. There are various types of Scala literals which are:

Integer literals : These are used to represent integer values, such as 123 or -456.

Floating-point literals : These are used to represent floating-point values, such as 3.14159 or -2.5E-4.

Boolean literals : These are used to represent true or false values.

Character literals : These are used to represent a single character, enclosed in single quotes, such as 'a' or '\n'.

String literals : These are used to represent a sequence of characters, enclosed in double quotes, such as "Hello, world!".

Symbol literals : These represent a unique identifier preceded by a single quote, such as 'foo or 'bar.

Null literal : This means a null value, which indicates the absence of a value.

Unit literal : This represents the Unit type, which indicates the absence of a meaningful value. It is written as ().