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Swift - Interview Questions
Throw light on some of the differences between Swift and Objective C.
Some of the differences between ios Swift and Objective C are as follows :
Comparison Parameter ios Swift Objective C
Type of Programming Language. ios Swift is an object-oriented and functional programming language. Objective C is a class-based object-oriented programming language.
Dynamic Libraries Dynamic Libraries are supported by ios Swift. For instance, system iOS and macOS libraries are dynamic. In other words, these applications will receive improvements from Apple’s updates without new build submission. Dynamic Libraries are not supported by Objective C.
Tuples Tuples are supported by ios Swift. Tuples are not supported by Objective C.
Usage of Semicolons Usage of Semicolons is not mandatory in ios Swift. Usage of Semicolons is mandatory in Objective C.
Method definition in Classes, Structures and Enumerations The definition of methods in Classes, Structures and Enumerations is allowed in ios Swift. The definition of methods in Classes, Structures and Enumerations is not allowed in Objective C.