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Blockchain - Interview Questions
What Is a Public Key and Private Key in Blockchain?
A public key is used in the cryptographic algorithm that allows peers in a blockchain to receive funds in his wallet. The public key is attached to a private key, creating a pair of keys. Both the private-public key pair is used to ensure that the security of the blockchain is ensured. A public key is an alphanumeric string that is unique to a particular node or address.
A private key is an alphanumeric phrase that is used in pair with a public key to provide encryption and decryption. It is part of cryptographic algorithms that are used in blockchain security. The key is assigned to the key generator and should stay with him only. If he fails to do so, anyone can access the details or data located within the wallet or the address for which the private key is assigned. You will face this type of interview question for a blockchain architect position.