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Phalcon - Interview Questions
What about Response Component in Phalcon?
Phalcon\Http\Response is a component that encapsulates the actual HTTP response by the application to the user. The most commonly returned payload is headers and content. Note that this is not only the actual response payload. The component acts as a constructor of the response and as a HTTP client to send the response back to the caller. You can always use the Phalcon\Http\Message\Response for a PSR-7 compatible response and use a client such as Guzzle to send it back to the caller.

use Phalcon\Http\Response;

// Getting a response instance
$response = new Response();

$response->setStatusCode(404, 'Not Found');
$response->setContent("Sorry, the page doesn't exist");


The above example demonstrates how we can send a 404 page back to the user.
The component implements the Phalcon\Http\ResponseInterface, Phalcon\Di\InjectionAware and Phalcon\Events\EventsAware interfaces.
Upon instantiation, you can use the constructor to set your content, the code as well as the status if you need to.

use Phalcon\Http\Response;

// Getting a response instance
$response = new Response(
    "Sorry, the page doesn't exist",
    'Not Found'
