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What are Gulp task dependencies and how are they managed?
Gulp task dependencies refer to the relationships established between tasks, specifying which tasks should be executed before others. Managing task dependencies ensures that specific tasks run in a particular order or concurrently based on their requirements.

Understanding Gulp Task Dependencies :

1. Sequential Dependencies :
* Sequential dependencies enforce an order in which tasks are executed. Task B depends on Task A, so Task A will always run before Task B.
* Achieved using gulp.series().

2. Concurrent Dependencies :
* Concurrent dependencies allow multiple tasks to run simultaneously, but a subsequent task relies on the completion of these concurrent tasks.
* Achieved using gulp.parallel().

Managing Task Dependencies in Gulp :

1. Dependency Declaration :
* Dependencies are declared within the task definition using gulp.series() or gulp.parallel().
const gulp = require('gulp');
gulp.task('taskA', function() {
    // Task A code here
gulp.task('taskB', function() {
    // Task B code here
gulp.task('taskC', gulp.series('taskA', 'taskB', function() {
    // Task C code here

2. Nested Dependencies :
* Dependencies can be nested to create more complex execution sequences or concurrent tasks.
gulp.task('taskC', gulp.series('taskA', gulp.parallel('taskB', function() {
    // Task C code here

3. Running Tasks :
* To execute tasks with dependencies, you run the specific task that encompasses those dependencies.
* For example, running gulp taskC will trigger taskA, followed by concurrent execution of taskB, and finally taskC.

4. Dependency Trees:
* Gulp allows for the creation of dependency trees by chaining gulp.series() and gulp.parallel() to establish complex relationships between tasks.

Benefits of Task Dependencies :

* Controlled Execution Order : Dependencies ensure that tasks execute in the desired order, preventing issues caused by race conditions or conflicting task execution.

* Modularity : Task dependencies promote modular task definitions, allowing reusability and better organization of the Gulp workflow.

* Concurrent Execution : Concurrent dependencies enable efficient parallel execution of tasks when they don’t have explicit ordering requirements.