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Java Constructor - Interview Questions
What are Java Records and How to Use them Alongside Constructors and Methods?
As developers and software engineers, our aim is to always design ways to obtain maximum efficiency and if we need to write less code for it, then that’s a blessing.
In Java, a record is a special type of class declaration aimed at reducing the boilerplate code. Java records were introduced with the intention to be used as a fast way to create data carrier classes, i.e. the classes whose objective is to simply contain data and carry it between modules, also known as POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects) and DTOs (Data Transfer Objects). Record was introduced in Java SE 14 as a preview feature, which is a feature whose design, implementation, and specification are complete but it is not a permanent addition to the language, which means that the feature may or may not exist in the future versions of the language. Java SE 15 extends the preview feature with additional capabilities such as local record classes.
Let us first do discuss why do we need records prior to implementing them. Let us consider an illustration for this.