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CCSA - Interview Questions
What are different types of Checkpoints?
The following are some types of Checkpoints :
Standard Checkpoint : This verifies a property value of an object in an application under test. All add-in environments support it.

Bitmap Checkpoint : It can be used to check a bitmap of an image or the entire web page. Actual and expected images are compared pixel by pixel.

Text Checkpoint : This is used to check expected text in web pages and applications. It could be a small portion of text displayed or a specific area/region of the application.

Table Checkpoint : This allows you to dynamically check the contents of cells within a table (grid) that is displayed in your environment. Various table properties, such as row height and cell width, can also be checked. 

Image Checkpoint : It is used to check the properties of a web image such as the source file location. Image Checkpoint does not check pixels as Bitmap Checkpoint does.