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PowerShell - Interview Questions
What are language constructs?
PowerShell offers a number of language constructs that allow you to manage the flow of your script and let you make decisions about what it should do. A few of the language constructs have conditionals, switches, loops, and variables.
Conditionals : This language construct is utilized to assess a conditional expression. If the conditional expression is true, a script block is accomplished:
if ( $i -eq 1)
   ## Do something
   ## Do something
Switch : The switch statement lets you deliver a variable and a list of potential values. If the value matches the variable, then its script block is completed..
switch  ($i)  {
       Write-Host “I is 0”
       Write-Host “I is 0”
       Write-Host “I is 0”
Loops : What while statement does is repeat a block of code  as long as the below mentioned conditional expression is working:
while ($i -eq 0)  {
         ## do something
The do loop is identical to the while loop. The only distinction is PowerShell runs the do loop at the end of the loop.
do  {
     ## do something
  }  while  ($i -lt 0)
When you employ a foreach loop, PowerShell repeats the code for every item cited in the script.
$array = ( ‘item1’ , ‘item2’ , ‘item3’)
  foreach ($item in $array)  {
Make use of a for loop to execute statements constantly till a condition is met.
for ($i = 0; $i -lt 5; $i++)