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Google Sheets - Interview Questions
What are pivot tables, and how do you create them in Google Sheets?
Pivot tables are powerful data analysis tools that allow you to summarize and analyze large datasets in a flexible and dynamic way. They enable you to organize and visualize data by creating summaries, cross-tabulations, and aggregations based on different criteria. Here's an overview of pivot tables and how to create them in Google Sheets:

Understanding Pivot Tables :
* Pivot tables allow you to rearrange and summarize data from a spreadsheet or external data source.
* They provide a way to quickly analyze and explore data by creating summaries based on different variables or dimensions.
* Pivot tables can aggregate data using functions such as sum, count, average, min, max, etc., and can display results in a tabular format with rows and columns.

Creating a Pivot Table in Google Sheets :

* Open your Google Sheets spreadsheet that contains the data you want to analyze.
* Select the range of cells containing your data. Make sure your data has column headers.
* Go to the menu at the top of the screen and click on "Data" > "Pivot table." This will open a new sheet with a blank pivot table.
* In the Pivot table editor panel that appears on the right side of the screen:
* Drag and drop the fields from your data into the Rows, Columns, and Values sections of the pivot table editor.
* The Rows section defines the rows of your pivot table, typically containing categorical variables or dimensions.
* The Columns section defines the columns of your pivot table, providing additional categorization or segmentation.
* The Values section defines the data that you want to summarize or aggregate, such as sums, counts, averages, etc.
* Configure the aggregation function and formatting options for the values in the pivot table editor.
* As you make changes in the pivot table editor, the pivot table on the sheet will update dynamically to reflect your changes.
* You can also use filters and sorting options in the pivot table editor to further customize the appearance and behavior of your pivot table.

Interacting with the Pivot Table :
* Once your pivot table is created, you can interact with it by:
* Expanding and collapsing rows and columns to view more or less detail.
* Filtering data based on specific criteria using the filter dropdowns.
* Sorting data within the pivot table to arrange it in a preferred order.
* Refreshing the pivot table to update it with the latest data from the source range.