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FastAPI - Interview Questions
What are some advantages of using FastAPI over Flask?
FastAPI and Flask are both popular web frameworks for building web applications and APIs in Python, but they have different design philosophies and features. Here are some advantages of using FastAPI over Flask:

* Performance : FastAPI is designed to be highly performant, thanks to its use of asynchronous programming. Asynchronous support allows FastAPI to handle a large number of concurrent requests efficiently, making it well-suited for applications with high performance requirements. Flask, on the other hand, is synchronous by default.

* Automatic API Documentation : FastAPI automatically generates interactive API documentation based on the Python type hints used in your code. This documentation is accessible through Swagger UI and ReDoc, making it easy for developers to understand and test the API without additional manual documentation efforts. Flask, while having documentation tools, may require more manual intervention for similar features.

* Type Hints and Validation : FastAPI leverages Python type hints to automatically validate requests and responses. This not only helps in catching errors early in the development process but also improves code readability. Flask, being a more traditional framework, doesn't enforce type hints as strictly.

* Dependency Injection : FastAPI provides a built-in dependency injection system that makes it easy to manage dependencies in a clean and organized way. This can be particularly useful for handling reusable components and ensuring proper separation of concerns. Flask, while having support for extensions, may not provide as built-in and structured a system for dependency injection.

* Asynchronous Database Operations : FastAPI's asynchronous support allows you to perform asynchronous database operations, which can significantly improve the efficiency of applications that involve database queries. Flask is synchronous by default, and while there are ways to integrate asynchronous code, it may not be as seamless as in FastAPI.

* WebSocket Support : FastAPI has built-in support for handling WebSocket communication, enabling real-time bidirectional communication between clients and the server. Flask, while having third-party extensions for WebSocket support, doesn't provide native support out of the box.

* Security Features : FastAPI includes features for handling security, such as built-in support for OAuth2, API key authentication, and other security-related functionalities. Flask, while having a robust ecosystem, may require additional third-party packages for certain security features.

* Data Validation with Pydantic : FastAPI encourages the use of Pydantic models for request and response data. Pydantic provides powerful data validation and serialization capabilities, ensuring that the data sent and received by your API is well-formed. While Flask has support for data validation, it may not be as integrated and based on Python type hints.