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Large Language Model - Interview Questions
What are some applications of BERT?
BERT has been used in a wide range of natural language processing applications, achieving state-of-the-art performance on many benchmark datasets. Some examples of applications of BERT include :

Question Answering : BERT has been used to improve question answering systems, such as the Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD), where it achieved state-of-the-art results by a significant margin.

Sentiment Analysis : BERT has been used to perform sentiment analysis on a range of datasets, including product reviews and social media posts.

Named Entity Recognition : BERT has been used to improve named entity recognition systems, which aim to identify and classify entities such as people, organizations, and locations in text.

Language Translation : BERT has been used to improve language translation systems, where it has been shown to be effective at generating high-quality translations.

Text Classification : BERT has been used for a variety of text classification tasks, such as topic classification, spam detection, and toxicity detection.

Chatbots and Conversational Agents : BERT has been used to improve the performance of chatbots and conversational agents by providing them with better understanding of the context and meaning of user input.