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Babylon.js - Interview Questions
What are some built-in optimization tools in Babylon.js and the best practices to follow for maintaining optimal performance?
Babylon.js offers several built-in optimization tools to maintain optimal performance :

1. SceneOptimizer : Automatically applies a series of optimizations, such as reducing render quality and simplifying meshes.

2. LOD (Level of Detail) : Reduces complexity of distant objects by using lower-polygon versions.

3. Octrees : Spatial partitioning technique that accelerates rendering by culling non-visible objects.

4. AssetContainer : Allows loading assets on-demand, reducing initial load time.

Best practices for maintaining optimal performance include :

1. Use efficient materials and shaders, avoiding complex calculations when possible.

2. Minimize draw calls by merging static meshes and using instancing for identical objects.

3. Optimize textures by compressing them and using power-of-two dimensions.

4. Limit real-time shadows and use baked lighting for static scenes.

5. Enable backface culling and frustum clipping to reduce unnecessary rendering.

6. Utilize Web Workers for offloading heavy computations to separate threads.

7. Profile and monitor performance regularly, addressing bottlenecks promptly.