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JUnit - Interview Questions
What are some of the important annotations provided by JUnit?
Some of the annotations provided by JUnit are as follows :
* @Test : This annotation over a public method of void return type can be run as a test case. This is a replacement of the org.junit.TestCase annotation.

* @Before : This is used when we want to execute the preconditions or any initialisation based statements before running every test case.

* @BeforeClass : This is used when we want to execute statements before all test cases. The statements may include test connections, common setup initialisation etc.

* @After : This is used when we want to execute statements after each test case. The statements can be resetting the variables, deleting extra memory used etc.

* @AfterClass : This is used when certain statements are required to be executed after all the test cases of the class are run. Releasing resource connections post-execution of test cases is one such example.

* @Ignores : This is used when some statements are required to be ignored during the execution of test cases.

* @Test(timeout=x) : This is used when some timeout during the execution of test cases is to be set. The value of x is an integer that represents the time within which the tests have to be completed.

* @Test(expected=NullPointerException.class) : This is used when some exception thrown by the target method needs to be asserted.
