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FastAPI - Interview Questions
What are some of the security features provided by FastAPI and how can they be utilized?
FastAPI provides several security features. It supports OAuth2 with Password and Bearer, a standard for user authentication, allowing secure access to resources. This is achieved by using Python-Jose to encrypt and verify tokens. FastAPI also offers HTTPBasicAuth for simpler cases where username and password are required.

Another feature is the automatic generation of interactive API documentation with login functionality. This allows users to authenticate directly from their browser while testing endpoints.

FastAPI’s dependency system can be used to manage permissions effectively. By creating dependencies for different routes or groups of routes, you can control who has access to what data.

FastAPI also protects against common vulnerabilities like Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and SQL Injection attacks by default. It uses Pydantic models which automatically validate incoming JSON requests, preventing malicious code from being executed.