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IOS - Interview Questions
What are text field delegate methods in iOS?
SN Method Signature Description
1 func textFieldShouldBeginEditing(UITextField) -> Bool It asks the delegate if editing should begin the respective textfield.
2 func textFieldDidBeginEditing(UITextField) It tells the delegate that the editing is started in the textfield.
3 func textFieldShouldEndEditing(UITextField) -> Bool It asks the delegate to end the editing in the textfield.
4 func textFieldDidEndEditing(UITextField, reason: UITextField.DidEndEditingReason) It tells the delegate that the editing has been stopped for the specified textfield.
5 func textFieldDidEndEditing(UITextField) It is the overloaded methods which also does the same as the above.
6 func textField(UITextField, shouldChangeCharactersIn: NSRange, replacementString: String) -> Bool It asks the delegate that if the text field's current content should be changed.
7 func textFieldShouldClear(UITextField) -> Bool It asks the delegate if the text field's current content should be removed.