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DynamoDB - Interview Questions
What are the APIs provided by Amazon DynamoDB?
Amazon DynamoDB provides a comprehensive set of APIs for interacting with its NoSQL database service. These APIs allow developers to perform various operations such as creating, reading, updating, and deleting data in DynamoDB tables, as well as managing table configurations, indexes, and backups. Here are some of the key APIs provided by Amazon DynamoDB:

* PutItem : This API is used to insert a new item or overwrite an existing item in a DynamoDB table.
* GetItem : This API is used to retrieve a single item from a DynamoDB table based on its primary key.
* UpdateItem : This API is used to update an existing item in a DynamoDB table. It can update specific attributes of an item or perform conditional updates based on certain conditions.
* DeleteItem : This API is used to delete a single item from a DynamoDB table based on its primary key.
* BatchWriteItem : This API is used to perform batch writes to DynamoDB, allowing developers to insert, update, or delete multiple items across multiple tables in a single request.
* BatchGetItem : This API is used to perform batch reads from DynamoDB, allowing developers to retrieve multiple items from one or more tables in a single request.
* Query : This API is used to perform efficient queries on DynamoDB tables using the primary key or secondary indexes. It allows developers to retrieve items based on specific conditions and filter expressions.
* Scan : This API is used to scan the entire contents of a DynamoDB table or a subset of items based on specific filtering criteria. Unlike the Query API, the Scan API does not require specifying a partition key or sort key.
* CreateTable : This API is used to create a new DynamoDB table with specified table schema, provisioned throughput settings, and optional secondary indexes.
* UpdateTable : This API is used to modify the provisioned throughput settings, global secondary indexes, or other attributes of an existing DynamoDB table.
* DescribeTable : This API is used to retrieve metadata about an existing DynamoDB table, including its schema, provisioned throughput settings, and index configurations.
* DeleteTable : This API is used to delete an existing DynamoDB table, along with all its data and indexes.
* ListTables : This API is used to retrieve a list of all DynamoDB tables within a specific AWS account and region.

These are just some of the key APIs provided by Amazon DynamoDB. There are additional APIs and features available for managing backups, streams, transactions, and more. Developers can use these APIs to build and manage scalable, high-performance applications powered by DynamoDB.