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CoffeeScript - Interview Questions
What are the Async Functions in CoffeeScript?
ES2017’s async functions are supported through the await keyword. Like with generators, there’s no need for an async keyword; an async function in CoffeeScript is simply a function that awaits.
Similar to how yield return forces a generator, await return may be used to force a function to be async.
# Your browser must support async/await and speech synthesis
# to run this example.
sleep = (ms) ->
  new Promise (resolve) ->
    window.setTimeout resolve, ms
say = (text) ->
  window.speechSynthesis.speak new SpeechSynthesisUtterance text
countdown = (seconds) ->
  for i in [seconds..1]
    say i
    await sleep 1000 # wait one second
  say "Blastoff!"
countdown 3​
// Your browser must support async/await and speech synthesis
// to run this example.
var countdown, say, sleep;
sleep = function(ms) {
  return new Promise(function(resolve) {
    return window.setTimeout(resolve, ms);
say = function(text) {
  return window.speechSynthesis.speak(new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(text));
countdown = async function(seconds) {
  var i, j, ref;
  for (i = j = ref = seconds; (ref <= 1 ? j <= 1 : j >= 1); i = ref <= 1 ? ++j : --j) {
    await sleep(1000); // wait one second
  return say("Blastoff!");