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Flutter - Interview Questions
What are the Flutter widgets?
Flutter provides a wide range of built-in widgets that can be used to build beautiful and responsive user interfaces. Here are some of the most commonly used Flutter widgets :

Container : A widget that allows you to create a rectangular visual element that can have a background color, borders, and padding.

Text : A widget that displays a string of text on the screen. You can customize the font, size, color, and alignment of the text.

Image : A widget that displays an image on the screen. You can load images from various sources such as assets, network, or memory.

Row : A widget that displays its children widgets in a horizontal row. You can specify how the children are aligned and spaced.

Column : A widget that displays its children widgets in a vertical column. You can specify how the children are aligned and spaced.
ListView : A widget that displays a scrollable list of widgets. You can customize the list by providing a builder function that creates each item in the list.

Scaffold : A widget that provides a basic structure for a screen that contains an app bar, a body, and a floating action button.

AppBar : A widget that displays a material design app bar with a title, actions, and other elements.

FloatingActionButton : A widget that displays a circular button on the screen. You can customize the appearance and behavior of the button.

Card : A widget that displays a material design card with a shadow and rounded corners. You can customize the content and appearance of the card.

These are just a few of the many widgets available in Flutter. The framework also provides a variety of layout widgets, input widgets, animation widgets, and more. Additionally, you can create your own custom widgets to suit your specific needs.