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ml5.js - Interview Questions
What are the Methods in ml5.image?

Given an image or video, returns an array of objects containing class names and probabilities
If you DID NOT specify an image or video in the constructor...
classifier.classify(input, ?numberOfClasses, ?callback);
If you DID specify an image or video in the constructor...
classifier.classify(?numberOfClasses , ?callback);
Inputs :
* input : HTMLImageElement | ImageData | HTMLCanvasElement | HTMLVideoElement. NOTE: Videos can also be added in the constructor and then do not need to be specified again as an input.

* numberOfClasses : Number. The number of classes you want to return.

* callback : Function. A function to handle the results of .segment(). Likely a function to do something with the segmented image.

Outputs :
* Object : Returns an array of objects. Each object contains {label, confidence}.