Anime.js - Interview Questions and Answers
What are the TIMELINE BASICS in Anime.js?
Timelines let you synchronise multiple animations together.
By default each animation added to the timeline starts after the previous animation ends.
Creating a timeline :
var myTimeline = anime.timeline(parameters);
Argument Type Info Required
parameters Object The default parameters of the timeline inherited by children No

Adding animations to a timeline :
myTimeline.add(parameters, offset);


Argument Types Info Required
parameters Object The child animation parameters, override the timeline default parameters Yes
time offset String or Number Check out the Timeline offsets section No

Example : 
// Create a timeline with default parameters
var tl = anime.timeline({
  easing: 'easeOutExpo',
  duration: 750

// Add children
  targets: '.basic-timeline-demo .el.square',
  translateX: 250,
  targets: '.basic-timeline-demo .el.circle',
  translateX: 250,
  targets: '.basic-timeline-demo .el.triangle',
  translateX: 250,