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Aurelia - Interview Questions
What are the Technical Benefits in Aurelia?
Modern JavaScript : 
* Fully written in standards-based ES2015+ and TypeScript.
* Forward compatible with JavaScript technology coming in future ECMAScript specs.
* Full support for both Babel and TypeScript.

Modern DOM :
* Consistently leverages the most modern DOM APIs.
* Bare "to the metal" usage of the DOM; no DOM wrappers in order to ensure maximum performance and memory efficiency.
* Automatically polyfills the DOM where appropriate, in order to support older browsers.

Modern Tooling :
* Supports modern build tooling via the Aurelia CLI and Webpack, out-of-the-box.
* Works well with powerful testing tools like Karma and Protractor.
* Provides a custom Chrome debug panel as well as a VS Code plugin.

Code Quality :
* Source code is covered by an extensive suite of unit tests.
* All source is fully linted for style and feature-usage consistency throughout.
* TypeScript d.ts files and full API documentation are provided for all libraries.

Web Component Standards :
* Leverages W3C Web Components specs such as HTMLTemplateElement and ShadowDOM.
* Fully compatible with 3rd-party Web Components, even those originating from other frameworks, such as Polymer.
* Provides a Web Component-based programming model even on browsers that will never support Web Components.

Modularity :
* Highly modular development, suitable for small and large-scale apps alike.
* Native support for feature-based development facilitating parallel development of multiple teams on the same app.
* Strong component model for high re-use of UI components across apps.

Platform Support :
* Designed for modern web browsers but supports older browsers, such as IE9, via additional polyfills.
* Designed for mobile application development in combination with PhoneGap/Cordova/Crosswalk.
* Designed for desktop application development in combination with Electron or NWJS.