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DevOps - Interview Questions
What are the advantages of Docker over virtual machines?
Below are the differences in multiple criteria that show why Docker has advantages over virtual machines.
Memory Space : In terms of memory, Docker occupies lesser space than a virtual machine.

Boot-up Time :
 Docker has a shorter boot-up time than a virtual machine.

Performance :
 Docker containers show better performance as they are hosted in a single Docker engine, whereas, performance is unstable if multiple virtual machines are run.

Scaling :
 Docker is easy to scale up compared to virtual machines.

Efficiency :
 The efficiency of docker is higher, which is an advantage over virtual machines.

Portability :
 Docker doesn’t have the same cross-platform compatibility issues with porting as virtual machines do.

Space Allocation :
 Data volumes can be shared and used repeatedly across multiple containers in Docker, unlike virtual machines that cannot share data volumes.