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DynamoDB - Interview Questions
What are the advantages of using DynamoDB?
Using Amazon DynamoDB offers several advantages:

Scalability : DynamoDB is designed to scale horizontally with ease. It can handle large volumes of traffic and massive datasets by automatically partitioning and distributing data across multiple servers. As your application grows, DynamoDB can seamlessly accommodate increased workload without downtime or performance degradation.

High Performance : DynamoDB delivers single-digit millisecond latency for both read and write operations, even at scale. This low-latency performance makes it suitable for real-time applications where responsiveness is critical, such as gaming, ad tech, and financial services.

Fully Managed Service : DynamoDB is a fully managed service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS handles all the underlying infrastructure management tasks, including hardware provisioning, software patching, backups, and replication. This allows developers to focus on building their applications rather than managing databases.

Flexible Data Model : DynamoDB supports both key-value and document data models, offering flexibility in schema design. You can store structured, semi-structured, or unstructured data without the need for a fixed schema. This flexibility simplifies application development and allows for rapid iteration.

Security and Compliance : DynamoDB provides robust security features to protect your data. It offers encryption at rest and in transit, fine-grained access control using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), and integration with AWS Key Management Service (KMS) for managing encryption keys. Additionally, DynamoDB is compliant with various industry standards and regulations, making it suitable for use in regulated industries.

High Availability and Durability : DynamoDB replicates data across multiple Availability Zones within a region to ensure high availability and fault tolerance. It also provides backup and restore capabilities for data durability, allowing you to recover your data in case of accidental deletion or corruption.

Pay-Per-Use Pricing : DynamoDB offers a flexible pricing model where you only pay for the resources you consume. You can choose between provisioned capacity mode, where you specify the throughput capacity in advance, or on-demand capacity mode, where you pay for the resources used by your application in real-time. This pay-per-use pricing model can result in cost savings, especially for applications with variable workloads.

Built-in Integrations : DynamoDB seamlessly integrates with other AWS services, such as AWS Lambda, Amazon Kinesis, Amazon S3, Amazon EMR, and Amazon Redshift. This enables you to build scalable and event-driven architectures using a combination of serverless computing, data streaming, data warehousing, and more.