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Flutter - Interview Questions
What are the advantages of using Flutter?
There are several advantages to using Flutter for mobile app development :

Reduce Code Development : Flutter's hot reload feature allows it to offer faster performance. With it, the application gets compiled using the arm C/C++ library, making it closer to machine code and enabling it to run more quickly. The Flutter team has put lots of effort into providing a wide variety of ready-to-use widgets. Most of them are incredibly customizable, saving your time like no other framework before.

Cross-platform development : With Flutter, developers can create a single codebase for multiple platforms, including Android, iOS, web, and desktop. This can significantly reduce development time and costs.

Fast development : Flutter offers a hot reload feature that allows developers to see the results of code changes instantly, without needing to restart the app. This can speed up the development process and make it more efficient.

Native performance : Flutter apps are compiled to native machine code, which allows them to run directly on the device's hardware. This can result in high-performance apps with fast startup times.

Live and Hot Reloading : This makes the app development process simpler and faster. Additionally, it also allows us to modify or update the code once a change is made.

Customizable widgets : Flutter comes with a rich set of customizable widgets that allow developers to create beautiful and responsive UIs that match their app's brand and design requirements.

Strong community support : Flutter has a growing community of developers who are actively contributing to its development. This ensures that the framework is constantly improving and evolving, and there is a wealth of resources and support available to developers.

Access to native features : Flutter provides access to many of the device's native features, such as camera, location, and sensors, which can be used to create more advanced and feature-rich apps.

Better developer productivity : Flutter's rich set of tools, such as the Flutter SDK, Flutter plugins, and the Dart programming language, can help developers build apps faster and with less code, improving overall developer productivity.

Faster documentation : It has fast and well-organized documentation. The central depository stores the documents for future reference.

Overall, Flutter can be a great choice for mobile app development, particularly for businesses or developers looking to create high-quality, cross-platform apps quickly and efficiently.