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Power BI - Interview Questions
What are the categories of data types?
In Power BI, data types are categorized into the following main categories:

* Text : Data types that store textual information, such as names, addresses, descriptions, etc.

Examples : Text, Whole Number (Int64), Decimal Number (Double), Currency, Percentage, etc.

* Date/Time : Data types that represent dates, times, or both.

Examples : Date, Time, Date/Time, Duration, etc.

* Boolean : Data types that store binary values (True/False).

Examples : True/False, Yes/No, On/Off, etc.

* Binary : Data types for storing binary data, typically used for images, files, or other non-textual information.

Examples : Image URL, File, etc.

* Other : Data types that do not fit into the above categories.

Examples : Blank, Any, Variant, etc.