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Embedded C - Interview Questions
What are the differences between Inline and Macro Function?
Category Macro Function Inline Function
Compile-time expansion Macro functions are expanded by the preprocessor at the compile time. Inline functions are expanded by the compiler.
Argument Evaluation Expressions passed to the Macro functions might get evaluated more than once. Expressions passed to Inline functions get evaluated once.
Parameter Checking Macro functions do not follow strict parameter data type checking. Inline functions follow strict data type checking of the parameters.
Ease of debugging Macro functions are hard to debug because it is replaced by the pre-processor as a textual representation which is not visible in the source code. Easier to debug inline functions which is why it is recommended to be used over macro functions.
Example #define SQUARENUM(A) A * A -> The macro functions are expanded at compile time. Hence, if we pass, the output will be evaluated to 3+2*3+2 which gets evaluated to 11. This might not be as per our expectations. inline squareNum(int A){return A * A;} -> If we have printf(squareNum(3+2));, the arguments to the function are evaluated first to 5 and passed to the function, which returns a square of 5 = 25.