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Crystal Reports - Interview Questions
What are the different sections available in Crystal Reports?
Crystal Reports organizes the report layout into various sections, each serving a specific purpose. Here are the different sections available in Crystal Reports:

1. Report Header : The Report Header section appears at the beginning of the report and is typically used to display information such as the report title, company logo, or introductory text. The content in this section is displayed only once at the start of the report.

2. Page Header : The Page Header section is repeated at the top of each page of the report. It commonly contains information like column headers, report parameters, or summary data that should appear at the top of every page.

3. Group Header : The Group Header section appears at the start of each group in the report. It displays group-specific information or labels. This section can be used to provide a hierarchical structure to the data and to summarize data within each group.

4. Details : The Details section displays the individual records or rows of data retrieved from the data source. It is repeated for each record in the dataset and is the main content area of the report.

5. Group Footer : The Group Footer section appears at the end of each group in the report. It is used to display summary information or calculations specific to each group. Commonly used summary functions like sums, averages, or counts are placed in this section.

6. Page Footer : The Page Footer section appears at the bottom of each page of the report. It typically contains information such as page numbers, report footer notes, or copyright statements. The content in this section is repeated on every page.

7. Report Footer : The Report Footer section appears at the end of the report and is used to display overall summary information or calculations for the entire report. It can contain grand totals, aggregate values, or other concluding details.

8. Report Summary : The Report Summary section appears after the Report Footer section. It is used to display additional summary information or calculations, often displayed on the last page of the report.