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C# - Interview Questions
What are the different types of Delegates?
Different types of Delegates are:
Single Delegate : A delegate that can call a single method.

Multicast Delegate :
A delegate that can call multiple methods. + and – operators are used to subscribe and unsubscribe respectively.

Generic Delegate :
It does not require an instance of the delegate to be defined. It is of three types, Action, Funcs and Predicate.
Action : In the above example of delegates and events, we can replace the definition of delegate and event using Action keyword. The Action delegate defines a method that can be called on arguments but does not return a result

Public delegate void deathInfo();
Public event deathInfo deathDate;
//Replacing with Action//
Public event Action deathDate;
Action implicitly refers to a delegate.
Func :  A Func delegate defines a method that can be called on arguments and returns a result.
Func <int, string, bool> myDel is same as delegate bool myDel(int a, string b);
Predicate : Defines a method that can be called on arguments and always returns the bool.
Predicate<string> myDel is same as delegate bool myDel(string s);