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Rust - Interview Questions
What are the different types of loops available in Rust?
Rust provides several loop constructs that allow you to iterate and repeat code based on different conditions and scenarios. The main loop constructs available in Rust are:

1. `loop`: The `loop` keyword creates an infinite loop that repeats the code block indefinitely until explicitly interrupted. It is often used when you need to perform a task repeatedly until a certain condition is met or when you want to create a custom loop control mechanism using `break` and `continue`.

Example :
loop {
    // Code to be executed repeatedly
    // Use break to exit the loop
    // Use continue to skip the current iteration

2. `while`: The `while` loop executes a code block repeatedly as long as a given condition is true. It evaluates the condition before each iteration and continues as long as the condition remains true.

Example :
while condition {
    // Code to be executed repeatedly while the condition is true
3. `for`: The `for` loop is used to iterate over collections, ranges, or any type that implements the `Iterator` trait. It simplifies iteration by handling the loop control and iteration logic internally.

Example :
for item in iterable {
    // Code to be executed for each item in the iterable

The `for` loop can iterate over ranges, arrays, vectors, iterators, and any other types that provide the necessary implementation of the `Iterator` trait.

Additionally, Rust provides variations of the `for` loop like `` and ``, which allow iterating over owned values and immutable references, respectively.

It's worth mentioning that Rust also provides iterator adaptors and combinators, such as `map()`, `filter()`, `fold()`, and more, which allow for powerful and expressive transformations and operations on collections.

These loop constructs in Rust offer flexibility and control over the iteration process, allowing you to write concise and efficient code for a variety of looping scenarios.