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Erlang - Interview Questions
What are the different types of message passing primitives in Erlang?
In Erlang, there are two main types of message passing primitives that allow processes to communicate with each other:

1. `!` (Bang or exclamation mark operator) :
   The `!` operator is the basic message sending primitive in Erlang. It is used to send a message from one process to another. The syntax for sending a message is `SenderPid ! Message`, where `SenderPid` is the process identifier (PID) of the sending process, and `Message` is the data to be sent. The message is sent asynchronously, meaning the sending process does not wait for a response. The message is delivered to the recipient's mailbox for later processing.

   Example :
   ReceiverPid ! {self(), "Hello, world!"}.​

2. `receive` block :
   The `receive` block is used by processes to receive and handle incoming messages. It allows a process to wait for specific messages and pattern match on the received messages to perform different actions. The syntax of a `receive` block is as follows:
       Pattern1 [when Guard1] -> Action1;
       Pattern2 [when Guard2] -> Action2;
       PatternN [when GuardN] -> ActionN
   The process will wait until a matching message arrives in its mailbox. When a message matches one of the patterns, the corresponding action is executed. If no message matches any of the patterns, the process will block and wait for the next message.

   Example :
       {SenderPid, Message} -> io:format("Received message: ~p~n", [Message])

   In the example above, the process waits to receive a message of the form `{SenderPid, Message}` and then prints the received message.

These message passing primitives enable inter-process communication in Erlang. Processes can send and receive messages asynchronously, allowing for concurrent and loosely coupled communication. The use of message passing contributes to Erlang's fault-tolerant and scalable nature, as processes can communicate across nodes in a distributed system.