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Rust - Interview Questions
What are the different types of smart pointers in Rust?
In Rust, there are three main types of smart pointers: `Box<T>`, `Rc<T>`, and `Arc<T>`. Each smart pointer has different ownership and borrowing characteristics, allowing for different use cases and memory management strategies.

1. `Box<T>` :
   * `Box<T>` is a smart pointer that provides heap allocation and ownership of a value of type `T`.
   * It is used when you need to allocate a value on the heap rather than the stack and have a single owner for that value.
   * `Box<T>` enforces that there is only one mutable reference to the value at any given time, ensuring memory safety.
   * It is commonly used to create recursive data structures, store large objects, or when the size of the value is unknown at compile time.
   * `Box<T>` has a small memory overhead due to the allocation metadata, but it provides efficient deallocation and is suitable for most use cases.

2. `Rc<T>` :
   * `Rc<T>` stands for "reference counting" and is a smart pointer that provides shared ownership of a value of type `T`.
   * It allows multiple references (`Rc<T>`) to the same value, and the value is deallocated when the last reference is dropped.
   * `Rc<T>` can only be used in single-threaded scenarios, as it does not provide atomic reference counting and is not thread-safe.
  * It is commonly used for scenarios where you need multiple references to a value, such as creating a shared data structure or sharing immutable data across different parts of the code.
   * `Rc<T>` has a slight runtime overhead due to the reference counting operations, but it provides convenience and flexibility for managing shared ownership.
3. `Arc<T>` :
   * `Arc<T>` stands for "atomic reference counting" and is similar to `Rc<T>`, but it provides atomic reference counting and is suitable for concurrent use in multithreaded scenarios.
   * It allows multiple threads to concurrently access and share ownership of a value (`Arc<T>`), ensuring thread safety.
   * `Arc<T>` uses atomic operations for reference counting, making it safe to use across multiple threads.
   * It is commonly used in concurrent data structures, parallel processing, or any scenario where you need shared ownership across threads.
   * `Arc<T>` has a slightly higher runtime overhead compared to `Rc<T>` due to the atomic operations, but it provides safety and synchronization guarantees in concurrent environments.

These smart pointers provide different trade-offs in terms of ownership, borrowing, and memory management. By choosing the appropriate smart pointer for a given scenario, you can ensure memory safety, efficient resource management, and the appropriate level of concurrency support in your Rust code.